Thursday, October 30, 2008

Martin Creed

If movement is a sign of life and stillness is death, running is an example of life most fully lived.

-Martin Creed

Friday, October 24, 2008

Peaceful Soul (San Girolamo Cervara)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


The stars come up spinning every night
Bewildered in love.
They’d grow tired with that revolving, if the weren’t.
They’d say, “How long do I have to do this!”

God picks up the reed-flute world and blows.
Each note is a need coming through one of us,
A passion, a longing-pain.
Remember the lips
Where the wind-breath originated,
And let your note be clear.
Don’t try to end it.

Be your note.
I’ll show you how it’s enough.

Go up on the roof at night
In this city of the soul.

Let everyone climb on their roofs
And sing their notes!

Sing loud!

- Rumi

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Everything is connected to everything else

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

now and here

It is cold upon this small knoll
With three trees
Waving green feathers in the breeze.

My cheeks burn; my eyes cry; I shiver:
My ears speak: “It hurts - go in - be sheltered.”
I do – I am – I have.
Pneumatically suspended vehicularly.

Shadow’s slant creep toward my safety.
Yet only momentarily as this page, too
Brightens and pales
With the passing puffs aloft.

And in another direction
Through my vision
Solitary seed wafts
On its way to a place
It perhaps knows and
Cannot know and will know.
Gone that way with the wind.

Three trees still green/evergreen
Three the same
Three quite different.
Landscaped into this designed knolled berm.
Three glad to be here
Rather than elsewhere
Over there perhaps
Where the ragged unruly tree line
Says natural – yet not better;

These three trees still green/evergreen
Exchanging through slender fingers
The breath they need – I need.
Glad to be here and now
As am I.

- Jack Trimper

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Majestic Sombrero Galaxy

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The 23rd Psalm (Bobby McFerrin – Dedicated to my Mother)

The Lord is my shepherd, I have all I need, She makes me lie down
in green meadows,
Beside the still waters, She will lead

She restores my soul, She rights my wrongs,
She leads me in a path of good things, And fills my heart with songs.

Even though I walk, through a dark and dreary land, There is nothing that can shake me,
She has said she won’t forsake me, I’m in her hand.

She sets a table before me , in the presence of my foes
She anoints my head with oil, And my cup overflows.

Surely, surely goodness and kindness will follow me, All the days of my life,
And I will live in her house, Forever, forever and ever.

Glory be to our Mother, and Daughter, And to the Holy of Holies,
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, World, without end. Amen

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Though I do not believe
That a plant will spring up
Where no seed has been,
I have great faith in a seed.
Convince me that you have a seed there,
And I am prepared to expect wonder.

- Henry David Thoreau

Welcome to the Healing Energy Community

Welcome to this site, a home where the intention to heal has a place to nest and thrive. A place designed to honor our leaders, patients, family, friends and colleagues who are dealing with health challenges. I wear many hats as I walk my day, and in my role as Executive Director of the AANP I am acutely aware of the struggles and health challenges many of our own naturopathic family face. And through the work of my master’s program in Applied Healing Arts, I have learned that being a healing presence in the world can take many forms – including that of words. Through the teachings of all the wisdom traditions I have come to realize that separation from one another, from the earth, and from spirituality simply need not be, and certainly does not serve. Ergo, this blog – a watering hole for an out pouring of healing power from community for community.

This is a community trained to serve as a healing force, and to understand there is no separation of mind, body and spirit. Referencing the Earth Goddess in each of us is designed to further inspire our rediscovery of balance in life, and connection to the Universe. There is no exclusion of belief, nor promotion of religion intended. All beliefs, ideals, philosophies and expressions will be inclusive and supportive. My hope is that this effort stands to give life and voice to service for the sake of oneness, so that we can collectively support the health and welfare of our leaders, our families and the world at large.

We do not know what form the site will take, nor the breadth of the messages. I expect that at the conclusion of our effort we will have a page that will serve many more that originally intended. This is a labor of love, for which I can only create space to occur. From there it will flow with its own life. Imagine what will transpire with this sharing.