Monday, July 11, 2011

I am upset of Muff because he said Ga....

I am upset of Muff, because he said Ga! This old childhood refrain my husband's family still uses on occasion was a young boy's expression of undetermined meaning...and today it resonates deeply for me.

Congress, the President, the pundits and political contributors - mere Muff. And Ga, the stuff that indecision, poor conclusion and ineffective leadership are made of. Everyday our elected officials grow closer to a decision on how to resolve an impasse over the debt limit, we simultaneously watch agreements blow up. Why? Because he said Ga.

Because he said that we must stand on our principles. Because she said we cannot cut Medicare. Because he said we can't increase revenue. Because she said we cannot ask the poor to sacrifice for the rich. All the while states struggle. Teachers are laid off. Pensions are sacrificed. Our infrastructure decays. Our health status spirals downward. Unemployment and CEO wages increase. Childhood hunger grows.

It seems everyone is in denial. We continue to believe our principles will save the day. Ga! It is no longer enough to believe we can regulate the economy into reducing the unemployment rate. It is simply not feasible for the wealthiest of us all to hire 9% of the U.S. with their George Bush tax cuts. It is unfathomable to believe that Medicare and Social Security are perfect just the way they are.

What, if not who, will lead the way to something sustainable? Something that is viable. Something that will serve my grandchildren's grandchildren. We must first start from a place other than self, party, and please forgive me...god and country. No more rhetoric. It is time for us to articulate what we already know. We are actually all connected to each other and every word and deed I take has an impact, positive or negative on you. As my t-shirt says...humankind, be both.

The Country seems to be growing inpatient doesn't it? I would like leaders who are willing to make the hard choices and call a spade a spade. And, in doing so will use language that persuades vs. provokes, inspires vs. inflames, empowers vs. embarrasses. I for one am done with the results of our popularity contests - these folks can make some really bad choices for being such well-educated adults.

Consider the impact of courage...commitment...compassion....confidence....connection and community could have on our current situation. Is anyone up to taking on Muff and his/her Ga?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Power of Intention

Amazing things happen in everyday life. I'm not talking about headline events. I'm talking about the insanely ordinary happenings of life that give meaning to the word intention.

This week my sister's divorce became final and my dear friend Nan married the love of her life. For each the outcome is the same. Deep satisfaction with a life choice to be true to oneself. My sister was married for 25 years to the same man. Nan has more than one experience with love and marriage. Both speak to me about a sense of calm and peacefulness. Both hold an intention to be happy and whole. Their paths though different have brought them power and a sense of self that radiates through the phone.

We have wonderful marriage rituals don't we? We collect our loved ones to celebrate with us. We sing songs and read poetry, take pictures, wear new cloths and have a special cake. Not so with a divorce. A cold courtroom with judge and lawyer. No pictures. No cake. No ritual.

Perhaps we need a new ritual. What if during her wedding we honored Nan's strength and truth, the very traits that enable her to step into her new marriage more happy than I have ever known her to be. What if we honored my sister's bravery and her power, the very traits that enable her to walk in new shoes, on her own and in her own way. What if there were a ritual to honor our intention to be whole and happy in life - what would that look like?

Today I will light a candle for Nan and my sister to honor the way they choose to be in the world, and in recognition of how their ability to truly love themselves empowers me. A cause for celebration if ever there were one.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Tuesday

It's unusual in Washington to be driving home from work on July the 5th with your car windows open. It's normally way too hot, but not so today. So in my haste home, contemplating my anticipated gas discount accumulated from my grocery purchases (a highlight given today's economic challenges) I was pleasantly surprised to hear "Happy Tuesday" out my left window from a lovely man walking to my own destination, the gas station. My reply...thank you...with a smile... left me thinking about the possibilities any Tuesday has to offer. To that end, I come across what might constitute the largest bundle ever assembled by a homeless person. Impressive and quite overwhelming. I head home, ever grateful.

The normal evening activities proceed, dinner, a teen, regular life in general. Feeling challenged I choose a walk through my woods sans dogs. In my solace I sit and watch the lightening bugs. An amazing light show reminiscent of my childhood, now cherished in my own back yard, and recently amazed to find in Ecuador at 9000+ feet in elevation.

It's inspiring to watch. Happy Tuesday everywhere.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July, Washington DC

When most people think of Washington DC they picture white marble buildings with panoramic views of the Potomac River, or perhaps the image of elected officials defending impossible positions both literally and figuratively. Many don't realize that the 10 square miles constituting Washington DC is home to 500,000 people, including myself, my husband, the four native Washingtonians we are raising- two kids and the dogs. Our 4th of July tradition includes our own 'main street' parade in the Palisades neighborhood.

This year marks the 45th occurrence for the annual event, for which there is absolutely no registration - just show up, be creative and participate. Indeed any local politician worth his or her salt walks the parade route and an absence would be immediately noticed in this particular part of Washington. Federal officials need not be concerned. This is strictly a hometown event and we are absolutely content with having only own 'nonvoting' Member of Congress Eleanor Holmes Norton join our festivities.

Political statements abound on our local topics of statehood, voting representation in Congress, and this year's proposal from American University to expand. More important, and prevalent, are the kids. Children on decorated bikes, the local elementary school, and teenage girls on a pick-up truck just like any parade in American. Certainly like that of my home town, Springfield Missouri, if we had ever had such a parade....There is a Brazilian dance troupe,
a band of "Different Drummers" and a swim team that comes out every year.

It's the 4th of July for all Americans today, which is a rather unifying thought. It is apparently what has drawn the 10's of thousands of visitors to my home to see the fireworks on the Mall tonight. I suspect it is also what draws the rank and file back to the streets of a Washington neighborhood year after year to wear red, white and blue in the most silly ways imaginable, and to gather our own crowd for the post-parade proverbial feast of hot dogs, watermelon and lemonade.

Happy birthday America, its nice to be home.